Who To Contact

Who to contact when there is a safeguarding concern/disclosure:

  • The individual who is told about, hears, or is made aware of the concern/disclosure is responsible for following the Reporting a Safeguarding Concern Procedure. Unless someone is in immediate danger, they should inform their Club Welfare Officers, County Safeguarding Officer or LTA Safeguarding Team.
  • The Club Welfare Officers and County Safeguarding Officer are responsible for reporting safeguarding concerns to the LTA Safeguarding Team.
  • The LTA Safeguarding Team is responsible for assessing all safeguarding concern/disclosures that are reported to them and working with the club Welfare Officer and national Safeguarding Leads to follow up as appropriate on a case-by-case basis, prioritising the well-being of the child/adult at risk at all times. 


Club Welfare Officer:                      Isobel Sykes   07561 602637

Deputy Club Welfare Officer:   Claire Ratcliffe   07850 938211


LTA Safeguarding Team:   safeguarding@lta.org.uk

Local Statutory Agencies:

  • The Police in an emergency (999)
  • Childline   0800 1111


  • NSPCC   0808 800 5000

              www.nspcc.org.uk   help@nspcc.org.uk

  • Local Authority Children’s Services: 0345 678 9021


  • Local Authority Adult Services:  0345 678 9044


  • Public Protection Unit - West Mercia Police  0300 333 3000

            Disclosure and Barring Service for concerns/disclosures about a member of staff, consultant, coach, official or                   volunteer:  0300 0200 190