Am I allowed to bring a guest?

Absolutely! All fully paid up members are permitted guest visits (limited to 6 visits per guest in each calendar year), all we ask is that you write your guest's name and contact information in the Guests Notebook which can be found in the clubhouse and leave a £5 per person cash fee in the tin before playing. 

Do you offer coaching?

Yes, we do - please contact Keith Pullin, our Head Coach, or hop over to the COACHING page for more info.  

 I'm a little rusty, how do I start playing?

All levels of ability are welcome. We suggest that "rusty" players arrange a one-off coaching session to brush up their skills or get in touch with our Membership Secretary who can point you in the right direction to hook up with other players of similar ability.

When are the membership fees due for renewal?

1st April is our renewal time and the start of the annual membership year.

Do you offer a monthly subscription?

Unfortunately not, our membership runs annually and fees are payable as one amount at the beginning of the "tennis year" which commences on 1st April.  Joining part way through a year is charged on a pro-rata basis. Please contact the Membership Secretary for up to date fees if joining part way through the year. Our full, annual fees can be found on the MEMBERSHIP/CURRENT FEES  page of the website.

What organised/social sessions can I get involved with?

Our MEMBERSHIP/PLAYING OPTIONS page outlines the weekly session programme and provides contact details of the organisers.  Most are arranged via an easy to use App called SPOND. You should email the relevant organiser to request an invitation to join the Spond group. All session players must be Club Members.

I enjoy more competitive play - is there an opportunity to play competitions and matches?

Bring it on! Our club organises various tournaments throughout the year and has 4 Mens and 3 Ladies Teams playing in the Sussex League against other county clubs during the Summer and Winter months. If you are interested in joining the teams please email Jonny Goodall for the men's team or Ruth Dawson for the ladies team.

My children want to start learning how to play tennis, who should I contact?

Please contact Keith Pullin for further information about our Junior Coaching Programme - further information is provided on the COACHING tab

How do I book a court?

Once you've joined and have an LTA number, members can book courts using the BOOKING tab on the Club's website (you will need to LOGIN to use this service) or by downloading the Clubspark Booker App.  

How do I use the ball machine?

Please click here to read the Ball Machine User Guide