Coaching at Ifield Tennis Club

We are delighted to welcome Gareth Balch to Ifield Tennis Club as Head Coach.  Gareth has many years of experience coaching around the world, is an LTA Accredited coach and has gained other internationally recognised qualifications during his career. He is DBS, First Aid and Safeguarding trained, the full CV can be found on his website, details to follow.

Easter to 25th June - junior coaching at Ifield Tennis Club

 Tuesdays 4.00pm - 6.30pm.  For cost details plus FREE try outs text Gareth on 07765 994061.

  No club membership required.

Adult Coaching

Gareth will be available on Tuesdays for individual and shared lessons of 30 minutes (£20), 45 minutes (£30) and 60 minutes (£40). These rates are individual or shared costs.

For enquiries call Gareth on 07765 994061

