Sport in Mind

JWT have joined a partnership with Bright Ideas For Tennis and Sport in Mind to bring to deliver a tennis course in aylesbury to help with mental well being of people in the surrounding communities.


FREE SESSIONS MONDAYS 10am - 11am - Aylesbury TSC, Wendover Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 9NJ

Book online here...


Inclusive, fun, casual drop-in tennis session for everyone. All abilities welcome!This group is provided FREE by Bright Ideas for Tennis in partnership with Sport in Mind and JWT for the benefit of local people. The sessions will be run by coach Caroline Care

Sport In Mind

Is an independent mental health charity (unaffiliated to Mind) founded in Berkshire in 2010 to provide people experiencing mental health problems with the opportunity to engage in sport and physical activity in a safe and supported environment in order to promote mental wellbeing, improving physical health and combating social isolation.

Bright Ideas for Tennis

The aim of the tennis charity is focussed on providing more opportunities for more people to play tennis particularly adults and children with disabilities or those who are experiencing mental ill health.