Welcome to Jonathan Seville Coaching

Jonathan Seville Tennis Coaching

Level 2 licenced tennis coach working towards Level 3 providing coaching for both juniors and adults at Priory Tennis Club in Stalybridge.

Starting in April 2025, we will also be providing coaching for Saddleworth Tennis Club in Greenfield. 

Sessions available for kids aged 4 and up and for adults from beginner level  or more experienced with courses available for both members and non-members.

Priory Coaching

Saddleworth Coaching


Find out more about the clubs:

Priory: priorytennis.co.uk

Saddleworth: clubspark.lta.org.uk/SaddleworthCricketBowlingTennisClub



Contact Details:

Email: jonathansevillecoaching@gmail.com

tel: 07581359809


Where we teach

Here are the Jonathan Seville Coaching venues where you can play.

  1. Priory Tennis Club (Cheshire)

    Cheethams Park, Mottram Road, STALYBRIDGE, Cheshire, SK15 2QX

  2. Saddleworth Cricket Bowling & Tennis Club

    Well-i-hole Road, Greenfield, ,, OLDHAM, Lancashire, OL3 7HY