
John Howie - head coach

John is an accredited level 5 LTA registered coach and was head professional at Whitecraigs LTC for nearly 30 years.

He has worked with players of all standards, from club level to international level, including the Davis Cup.

John was the number one ranked singles player in Scotland and has represented his country on many occasions. He has won national championships on clay, grass and hard court.

If you would like individual or group coaching, email John at or contact him on 07708 570244.


Junior coaching

Throughout the year, the Saturday morning coaching programme runs from 9am to 1pm:

  • 9am to 9.45am - mini red for children between 4 and 8 years of age
  • 10am to 10.45am - orange ball (beginner/intermediate) for children aged between 8 and 9
  • 11am to 12pm - green ball (advanced) for children aged between 9 and 10
  • 12pm to 1pm - yellow ball for children aged 11 and above, split by ability

We also run a Tots Tennis session every Friday from 3:45pm to 4.30pm for children of nursery school age.

Sessions can be booked using the links below.  These are run by John alongside Level 3 accredited coach Callum Semple and Level 2 accredited coaches Grant Semple,  Lynsey O'Connor, Lucy Nesbit and  Level 1 coaches Ben Robertson, Roddy Campbell and Elaine Semple.

All of our coaches adhere to the LTA's code of ethics and conduct.


Adult coaching

John does adult group coaching on Saturdays from 1.30pm to 3pm from spring to autumn.  The session is for members only and is £5 per head.  There is no need to pre-book.