The Coaching at KES:CTC runs all year round, with junior and adult coaching available throughout the week. Our team delivers coaching to a high standard, and have experience working with players from beginners to performance level, and works closely with the School Sports Patnership to grow participation in West Norfolk.
The junior programme operates during the term times of the King Edward VII Academy High School, which is published in the news letter, via our social media pages or on the notice board at the centre. Our aim is to allow everyone access to learn the game, and take part in coaching that is affordable and sustainable for all families, with the hope to increase the number of active junior players in the area. We offer a 20% discount for families whose sibblings attend any coaching sessions, as well as a 20% discount for those attending more than one lesson a week. We have a clubhouse that offers refreshments for parents watching their children play, and all the equipment necessary to start playing.
A quick overview of our coaching programme can be seen on the link below:
Click Here For The Mini Tennis Coaching Programme
Click Here For The Full Ball / Adult Coaching Programme
If you are unsure where you would fit in, please get in touch on or 01553692949, and one of the team will happily steer you towards a class that's suitble, and answer any questions you might have.
Follow us on our social media for up to date information on the coaching schedule or any club related news.