Terms & Conditions

By joining the Kington Langley Tennis Club you agree to the following bye-laws and terms and conditions.


I hereby agree to be bound by the club’s constitution and bye laws, the main points of which are listed below (full constitution available on request)

  1. Court use is for members only. Playing guests may be introduced, subject to adherence to the bye-laws and the payment of non-members fees.
  2. Membership will be granted upon payment of the required fee commence on 1st April and run through to 31st March the following year. 
  3. Access codes will be issued to paying members at the beginning of the season and at appropriate times by email.
  4. The Club accepts no responsibility for personal injury or loss of or damage to property on or in the vicinity of the tennis court.  Persons using the court do so at their own risk.
  5. Anywelfare concerns should be reported to  the welfare officer Jo Kitching (07746 364882)
  6. Activities other than tennis (eg cycling, roller skating, skate boarding etc) are strictly prohibited.


Compliance with key policies

I agree to adhere and comply with the following club policies (available on the club website):

  1. Diversity and Inclusion Policy (Including Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure)
  2. Whistleblowing Policy
  3. Safeguarding Policy

Compliance with the rules of the LTA and the Association

In consideration for my ability to use the facilities of the Association, and the related benefits that I receive as, a player or other person registered with, or able to use the facilities of, the Association, I hereby agree:

(A)        to be bound by and subject to the rules of the Association (as in force from time to time); and

(B)                    to be bound by and subject to the rules and disciplinary code of the LTA (or such successor entity or entities as become(s) the governing body of the game of lawn tennis from time to time) as in force from time to time.

The above confers a benefit on the LTA and is intended to be enforceable by the LTA directly or by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. The above confers a benefit on the Association and is intended to be enforceable by the Association directly or by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.