How to find us
Kinnoull Tennis Club
Muirhall Terrace
Scotland North
Please do so using the Court Booking page on this website.
Kinnoull Tennis Club is located at Muirhall Terrace, Perth PH2 7ES. We have four floodlit courts of sand-filled artificial grass. This surface allows us to play all the year around and also in wet and frosty conditions. There is a good clubhouse with kitchen and changing rooms. Car parking is available on the adjacent roads.
Kinnoull Tennis Club has a long history. The “Kinnoull Recreation Club” was founded in 1887 and encompassed Tennis, Bowling and Curling. Over the years, curling disappeared and the bowling and tennis sections separated to form their own respective clubs.
Kinnoull Tennis Club is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC047283)