2025 Membership form
Just click the above link, download, complete the form, save, and email to kvltmembership@gmail.com
Seven annual membership packages to match your needs:
Full single: £120.00
Couples £205.00
Family membership: £205.00 (Parents and Juniors up to age 18 years old)
(All names are to be included on the form plus D.O.B. for Juniors)
Junior membership: £30.00 (Primary School age)
Intermediate membership: £30.00 (Secondary School age)
Midweek/Student membership: £70.00
Sole Parent membership: £30.00
Pay: Knockholt Village Tennis Club
Sort Code: 09-01-55
Account No : 40848808
Subscriptions payable by 1st April
Completed membership form emailed to kvltmembership@gmail.com
Cheques payable to Knockholt Village Tennis Club, and sent with this form to Wendy O'Donnell, Treasurer KVTC, Hillcrest, Old London Road, Knockholt, Kent TN14 7JW