Junior Coaching

Welcome to our Junior Coaching Section! We've got some great classes on over term time and would love to see you involved!

All new participants will have a month trial at £8 per session. Thereafter you must join the club.

If you'd like to book in below and then set up a standing order to be paid for 12 months of the year (in our 36 week programme).

Account details will be sent to you via email for payment upon booking.

Age 3-5 year olds; (46 weeks per annum)

1 session per week £25.00 per month

2 sessions per week £35.00 per month

Ages 6-18 year olds; (36 weeks per annum)

1 session per week £30.00 per month

2 sessions per week £50.00 per month

3+ session per week £60.00 per month


Siblings discounts also available on request.