Junior Caoching

Junior Sessions:



So the weather has been awful and we still have the lockdown rules to follow so.........
I've not had enough exercise and i need to get going again

What i would like to do is offer some FREE sessions in the month of MARCH but unfortunatly still at Kirkton tennis courts in BATHGATE due to external issues

There will be 2*45min sesssions for 4 weeks split into 2 groups Blue (ages 4-6), Red (ages 6-8 and Orange(8-10)). If you would like to sign up please use the links below:

Blue:  https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/DavidBrownCoaching/BookCourse/df2b9bb7-2327-4b03-b208-8351a1418356

Red:   https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/DavidBrownCoaching/BookCourse/583e2b31-c67c-410a-81d7-74ea0dc7eefe


Thursday 5pm; 

Orange: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/DavidBrownCoaching/BookCourse/84dc56cf-6458-41cf-937c-72a4dab2e684

Lets get back on court and have some fun... Adults i've not forgot about you, just need a little lifting of restrictions- you get S&C and coaching..