Latika JTC Volunteer Opportunities

Latika Junior Tennis Club is a not-for-profit organisation run solely by volunteers. If you have a passion for tennis, a particular skill set or even just some spare time, here are some ways you can help make Latika JTC even better:
- Club Sessions - help with checking players in at the start of a session, make a note and take payment from non-registered players, on court helpers.
- Competitions - scorers for mini tennis events, captains for club teams, administration
- Events - can you cook? Bake? BBQ? Wash Up?
- Clubhouse and surrounding area maintenance - we take pride in our club; litter picking, tidying the of clubhouse and general gardening maintenance in the surrounding area keep our club looking nice.
- If you are in a trade such as a plumber, builder, carpenter or electrician we always have small jobs which need doing!
- You may have a great idea; why not share it with us.
Whatever way you feel you can help the club please let us know - email and a member of the team will be in touch.
Above all...
Thank you for considering helping out! We hope to encourage our players and members to develop not only in tennis but to feel and become part of our community. Get in touch and let’s make your ideas become a reality!