
League Tennis

The club as entered 5 teams in the City & Suburban tennis leagues.

A Team are top of Div 2 in a tight battle with Draycott A. The Top 2 gain promaotion & Leek  should comfortably finish in teh top 2

B team are mid table of Div 2 & should be safe from any relegation battles.

C team  are top of Div 4 & look good for promotion & likely to finsih top

D & E team are both in Div 4 are have made big steps forward this season with more wins & draws than last season

The Club also entered 4 teams in the County league

A team are top of Premeir 2 and shapping up for a 3 club battle for top spot with Wollaston & Basford.

B team are mid table of Div 2 but with games in hand should be pushing for promation back to Div 1

C team are top of Div 3 and this also is shapping up for a 3 club battle for the top 2 promotion places with basford D & Walton B.

Ladies are in a relegation battle with Walton in  Premier 2