LTC Information





The Tennis Club is located at the far end of the school playing field in Lealands Avenue.

Our lease requires that members and visitors do not park cars in Lealands Ave. Members are therefore requested to show respect to the residents of Lealands Ave and park in Greenview Avenue or around the Green.

We have two floodlit courts and a clubhouse with a kitchen, showers and toilets. Members are provided with 2 keys; one to the entrance gate, which also opens the courts, and a separate key to the clubhouse (not provided to juniors).



Subscriptions are due on 1 April each year. If they are not paid by 1 May, membership may be deemed to have lapsed. After this date the entrance fee (£15) may be charged at the discretion of the Committee.

If membership lapses for a whole year, this entrance fee will be charged.

If new member(s) join the club part way through the year, they will be charged a proportionate amount on a pro-rata basis by month plus the entrance fee.

We do not offer ‘seasonal’ membership.

The Membership Secretary must be advised if you do not wish to re-join the Club, and the keys to the courts returned at the same time.

Keys to the courts and Clubhouse are provided at the time of joining and remain the property of the Club. Lost keys can be replaced by the Membership Secretary, for £15, currently the cost of having a new set cut. 

Membership Categories 

A. Family: All playing members including any family member(s) resident at that address up to the age of 25 on April 1

B. Senior: 25 and over on 1 April

C. Young Adult: 18 to 25 on 1 April

D. Junior: Under 18 on 1 April

E. Social: Non-playing

Concessionary Fees

All fees are reduced by 50% for holders of either a Sevenoaks District Council or Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Advantage Card. For further information in strict confidence, please apply to the Chairman, Helen Scott, Children’s Oast, Lower Street, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8PT (Tel: 01732 833808) or



As a member of Leigh Tennis Club you are automatically entitled to free “Play +” membership through LTA Advantage.

Members will need to register with LTA Advantage and create their unique username and password.

Members will need to use this username and password to sign in to the Leigh Tennis Club website with their LTA social account, when they want to make a court booking (see below) or pay their annual club membership subscription each March/April.

As an LTA Advantage member, you will be able to opt into the Wimbledon draw so keep an eye open for LTA emails in November and January.



A booking system operates via the website:

Each booking is limited to 1 hour and 30 minutes.        

Some periods each week are block booked for coaching, club sessions and league matches (for further details see below).

Making a booking. Go to the club website and then select the ‘booking’ option from the welcome page.   

When the daily or weekly schedule appears select the court, date and time you wish to reserve, and then select ‘Continue Booking’ when this option appears.

You will then be taken to the LTA/ClubSpark Log in page.

Scroll down and select the dark blue LTA icon

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Sign in by entering your LTA Username and password.  |f you cannot remember what they are then select the ‘forgot’ options below the sign in boxes.

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Once you are in the LTA/ClubSpark system your booking will be confirmed to you via email.


Members are allowed to play with guests but if you are playing with a guest or guests you should make sure that they are all signed in in the guest book in the clubhouse. We rely on our members not to abuse the right to play with guests and no guest should play more than 3 times in any given year.  


The courts can be used between 9am and 9.45pm. Instructions on how to use the floodlights can be found in the clubhouse.



We encourage tennis at all levels. We have a strong junior section, and, with sufficient willing team players, we enter local senior leagues.


We currently run a Ladies team in the Kent League in the winter and Weald League in the summer.

We run a Mixed team in the Weald Summer and Winter Leagues.

If you would like to play in league matches then please contact Alison Shamash (07941 310907).

Fixtures are played on a Sunday, generally from around 10am to 2.00pm. 


We run an internal Summer tournament (straight knock-out) and an informal Winter tournament (Mixed & League Style).

We also arrange occasional friendly internal tournaments and matches against local clubs.


Adam Harrison (07761 826821) our club coach, runs term-based courses for Juniors and Seniors. Please contact him directly if you would like to join a group.


If you would like to organise individual lessons, please contact either Adam Harrison or Ian Chapman (07887 763040) who is also an LTA Level 4 Coach (£40 per hour)

Club Nights

If you would like to come along to Club Night, or are interested in participating in one of the internal tournaments, please contact Imran Zuberi (  and he will add your name and mobile number to the relevant WhatsApp group.  

Weekly Coaching & Club Sessions

Monday           9.30am –11am             Ladies Coaching (Both courts)

                          11am –12.30pm           Ladies Coaching (Both courts)

Tuesday            1.30pm-3pm                Leigh Primary tennis (Both courts)

                         6.30pm –9.45pm        Senior Club Night (Both courts)

Wednesday     4.30pm –7.30pm        Junior Coaching (Both courts)

Thursday         7.30pm to 9.45pm      Senior Club Night (Both courts)        

Friday             9.30am –11am              Adult Beginners / Improvers Coaching (Both courts)

Saturday         2.30pm to 4.30pm     Junior Match Play (Both courts. Dates vary)

Sunday            10am to 2pm               Senior Match Play (Both courts. Dates vary)


To keep our membership fees low we hold working party days up at the club to carry out routine maintenance. We also aim to host several social fundraising activities throughout the year, including barbeques, barn dances, wine tasting evenings and safari suppers.


The Club committee meets each month. If you have any concerns, queries or wish to become more involved then please in touch with Helen Scott (01732 833808)