Club Contacts & Directions to Clubhouse
Chairman: Karim Farag Tel: 07728 528941
Secretary: Pauline Coffey - Tel: 07548 279042
Inspire2Coach: Adult Coaching
Junior Coaching -
Where to find us
Please note that parking is not available directly adjacent to the club site address. Parking should be outside the village school. The postcode for this is TF10 9EY. Walk to the left of the school premises and cross the field behind. Tennis Courts on the left hand side. Access to the tennis courts via this route is not possible during school hours when the gate is locked. During this period, parking will be at the Cricket club and across the field. However, be aware that parents park here to collect their children from school around 3.15 and you may get boxed in if you are wanting to leave between 2.45 and 3.45 pm.
Lilleshall Village Tennis Club
Behind Lilleshall Primary School, Limekin Lane ,Lilleshall NEWPORT Shropshire TF10 9EZ