Information for new members

Thank you for completing your Membership Application or Renewal and your subscription fee for the 2024 season 1st April - 31st March 2025. Courts can be booked by active members or parents of juniors using the Clubspark app or online at the Lindow Clubspark website. The unique court gate code is provided on the booking confirmation.

Useful information about the club:

Social Tennis: Adult social tennis runs 4 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings and Wednesday evening.  Courts are reserved during the time shown on the booking calendar for all abilities to mix in to play doubles where numbers allow.  Matches consist of 5 or 7 games before rotating, depending whether there are players waiting to mix in.  If you have booked individually prior to Social tennis, play should stop at the end of the reserved time or at the end of a service game  to allow mixing in of players for Social tennis.  Social tennis is available to all abilities and is a great way to meet other members and as an intro to our teams.

New balls are provided solely for Team Matches and then these balls are used in Social tennis.  When the new balls have been used in Team matches and subsequently in Social tennis, they are then available in the bar area for general use.  From time to time it may be necessary to open new balls for Social tennis, for example in winter when fewer matches are played.  If you are playing outside of matches or Social tennis, and you don't want to use the balls in the bar area, please bring your own.

We aim to run a junior social tennis on Friday evenings from around the end of May through the summer subject to availability of a junior coach or parents who volunteer.

Access to Clubhouse.  Some members have chosen to pay for their own key (currently £15) but the Clubhouse is widely open during Paul Mannion's coaching, social tennis and matches.  We hire out the Clubhouse for some parties and regular sessions of dance, art, yoga, pilates and the like so please respect that at times the building will be in use by non-members and if there are children using the male or female facilities, please do not use them unless the child is accompanied by a responsible adult or the changing room is vacant.  Hall hirer's also have or are loaned a key and hall hire is currently managed by Marcus Winter (see website for details).

Social events. Our social events are open to members and their guests.  Our Wimbledon and Oktoberfest were particularly well attended by members and guests alike and this year's events are updated on the website.  

Booking courts for yourself and/or visitors.  Members are allowed to book courts up to 2 weeks in advance and visitors can book a short period ahead through the LTA Rally sight at the cost of £10 per hour.  Courts are only made available to visitors outside of our normal peak demand but if a member wants to book themselves and play with a visitor, they may do so at a cost of £5 per visitor per hour up to a maximum of £10 per hour for 2 visitors or more.  This fee can either be paid by booking through LTA Rally, through Clubspark using a guest login or by paying directly to the Club Bank account by BACs. 

Coaching.  Paul Mannion runs the coaching programme for junior and adult groups and also provides private tuition to individuals and small groups.  Please contact Paul directly for any coaching related questions.  Paul also runs some team coaching sessions pre summer season.  His contact details are (M) 07813 329295, email

Prospective new members. We encourage prospective new members to come to up to 3 social tennis sessions free of charge if they are unsure about joining.  Prospective members may not book a court individually or play with other individual members except as a paying visitor.

Website and Contact Details. The website has lots of information about what's happening, team results and contacts.  Please go to: