How to find us
Little Gaddesden Tennis Club
Playing Fields, Church Lane
Little Gaddesden
Little Gaddesden Tennis Club is a friendly village club. We have very reasonable membership rates with single adult membership of £65 and a family rate of £105 per annum.
There are three outdoor all weather tennis courts. Our club night is every Thursday from 6pm during the April to October season with further opportunities to play throughout the year. Regular sessions are held on Thursday afternoons in the winter.
Adult and junior after school coaching sessions are held on Fridays with our club coach.
We encourage families to join so that both adults and juniors can make use of the courts and improve their play.
If you would like to ask any questions about our facilities please contact Anne Gold at
If you have any safeguarding issues please contact the LGTC Welfare Officer Elizabeth Hamilton on 07981 986161.
Club members have donated over 100 tennis balls so far this season!
about a year ago
The LG Tennis Club Committee is delighted to inform members that from September 2023 Tyrell Diaz Stevens of Evolve Tennis Ltd who is based at Berkham...
about a year ago
Little Gaddesden Tennis Club
Playing Fields, Church Lane
Little Gaddesden