Club Events for 2025-26

13th March      Tea and Tennis

                                                      from 1.15pm - Fun Tennis Club Play followed by Afternoon Tea   £5pp  

27th March       LGTC AGM      8pm Sports Pavilion

                                                       Come and support your Committee and share your views and a glass of wine

3rd April             First Club Night of 2025-26      5.30pm Tennis Courts

                                                      All members welcome

24th April          Bring and Share Supper (BYOB)

                                                      Club Night Play (5.30pm) followed by a Bring and Share Supper (7.30pm approx)

22nd May          Fun Tennis Tournament  + Bring and Share Supper (BYOB)

                                                     Join us for a Fun Tournament at Club Night (5.30pm) followed by a

                                                     Bring and Share Supper (7.45pm approx)

17th July            Bring and Share Supper (BYOB)  

                                                      Club Night Play (5.30pm) followed by a

                                                      Bring and Share Supper (BYOB)  (7.45pm approx)

11th Sept             Late Summer Fun Tennis Tournament and Tea                                                                          1.15pm £5pp

                                                         Fun Tournament (1.15pm) followed by Afternoon Tea