Welcome/ Croeso Llandybie Tennis Club/ Clwb Tenis Llandybie

Llandybie Tennis Club - New Summer Coaching Programme 2024

New Coaching Programme 2024 - Hit the link below to enrol today -

Adult sessions - Llandybie LTC / Coaching (lta.org.uk)

Junior sessions -Llandybie LTC / Coaching (lta.org.uk)


We are a friendly and welcoming club with a wide range of age members, run by a committed and enthusiastic committee.

Our aim is to provide members with the opportunities and facilities to improve their game and to play socially and competitively whilst keeping fees affordable to all.

Rydym yn glwb cyfeillgar a chroesawgar gyda aelodau o bob oedran sy’n cael ei redeg gan bwyllgor ymroddedig a brwdfrydig. 

Ein nod yw rhoi’r cyfleoedd a’r cyfleusterau i aelodau wella eu gêm ac i chwarae’n gymdeithasol a chystadleuol tra’n cadw cost aelodaeth yn isel. Mae tri chwrt caled gyda ni sydd newydd cael eu hadnewyddu

Check us out on our social media pages -

Facebook | Instagram 

Check out Ace Tennis Coaching on our website or social media webpages -

Ace Tennis Coaching website Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Our tennis club offers the perfect place to play tennis for free in Carmarthenshire 
 'All three courts in Llandybie are tarmac surfaces - perfect for working on your hardcourt game.'
Ideally situated within in the village of Llandybie, the tennis courts are just a short walk from the village's other  facilities, including pubs, cafes, corner shops, rugby pitches,  children's park and an all weathered football cage.

Mae ein clwb tennis yn cynnig y lle perffaith i ymarfer a gwella eich gêm.  Sir Gaerfyrddin 'Mae gan y tri chwrt yn Llandybïe arwynebau tarmac a adnewyddwyd yn ddiweddar - perffaith ar gyfer gweithio ar eich gêm cwrt caled.'

Mae’r clwb wedi ei leoli ym mhentref Llandybie yn agos i gyfleusterau eraill - tafarn, caffi, siopau, cae rygbi, parc i blant bach, lle i warae pêl-droed a phêl fasged.

Membership Advantages

If you want to join our club, pick your membership today/Os ydych am ymuno â'n clwb, dewiswch eich aelodaeth heddiw 

Being a member of the club/Bod yn aelod o'r clwb 

  • All access to the courts and club house/Pob mynediad i'r cyrtiau a'r clwb
  • Floodlights all year round/Llifoleuadau trwy gydol y flwyddyn 
  • Access to club nights/Mynediad i nosweithiau clwb
  • Compete in the club tournament/Cystadlu yn nhwrnamaint y clwb 
  • Represent the club in the doubles league/Cynrychioli'r clwb yn y gynghrair dyblau

How to find us

Llandybie LTC
Woodfield Road
Wales South
SA18 3UT

Get directions

Our Partner

Ace Tennis Coaching