
Join us now! Our annual membership fees are set out below. You can join or renew a membership using this website and its secure payment system - just follow the links.

Individual and family (2 or more person) memberships run for a 12 month period, from the date of joining or renewal . Membership entitles holders to book and use the courts with no court booking fees or other charges. Members may also attend any of the regular Club Social Tennis Sessions or other Club or inter-Club events. Anyone taking up membership part way through the year may be eligible for a discounted membership fee, at the discretion of the Club Committee. 

You can read and download the Club's constitution on our Downloads page. Taking an LTC membership means that you are bound by the Clubs policies, codes of conduct and rules - also available on our Downloads page.


Adult individual member

12 months membership

Club membership for one individual

Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 18yrs

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Family or group membership

12 months membership

12 months membership for 2 or more individuals

Eligibility: Any two or more individuals, providing one or more is aged 18 years or over

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12 months membership

Free for under 18s.
Once registered please contact Mike on for the gate code.

Eligibility: Parents must enrol their child. Please include the childs name and age, parents name and email address. This membership is only for the child. Parents are responsible for their child's behaviour while on the tennis courts.

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