

Pat Parfitt

It is with very deep sadness that we’ve learnt that Pat Parfitt has passed away. For those of you who didn’t know Pat, he was the driving force behind the refurbishment of our tennis courts and was also the Club’s first chair.

Pat had a deep love of the game. He was an LTA accredited coach, who devoted much time to helping and encouraging young people to enjoy tennis. Moving to Loddiswell around 2014, Pat was soon determined to have our sadly dilapidated tennis courts refurbished. He worked tirelessly to obtain funding and support from local authorities and the tennis community. Pat realised his goal in 2015 and we have him to thank for the fantastic facility that we enjoy. He also reformed the defunct Loddiswell Tennis Club, serving as Chair for the first two years of its existence.

Those of us who had the privilege of playing tennis with Pat will remember the skills and the immaculate sportsmanship that he brought to our games. Pat will always be remembered with great affection at Loddiswell Tennis Club. Our thoughts and condolences are with Pat's family.

Dave Carmichael (Chair)