

New subscriptions

In previous years, membership subscriptions have run for 12 months from a set date in June. This has posed issues in accounting fairly for members who join part way through the year. We have decided to change this to a "rolling" subscription, ie, one that can start at any point in the year, and run for a full 12 months. We hope this flexibility will be a benefit to our members.

The new 12 month subscriptions are now available on our Clubspark website. All memberships from last year (June 2020-June 2021) have now expired and you should now take out a new membership for the coming year. Those people who paid subscriptions late on in last year's cycle will have their membership transferred to the new system without additional fee automatically.

The code for the members entrance padlock will remain the same for around 30 days. It will then be changed and only current members will be advised of the new code via email.