
Committee members and key personnel

Chairman -         Sue Lawrence, 07771 735092,

Secretary -         Helen Moriarty,

Treasurer -        Tom Till,  07765 126480 ,

Membership Secretary -   Sue Lawrence,   07771 735092,

LTA Administrator -              Sue Lawrence,   07771 735092,

Welfare Officer -                   Shirley Owen  01686 668301,

Junior Coaching -                  WeDo Tennis Ltd,  Nigel Hunter  07810 308283





Where to find us

The courts are situated behind St Nicholas's Church.  From the square take the road at the side of Ivy House Cafe, Church Bank.  At the top of the bank go right then immediatly left down a steep path to the bowling green.  Access to the courts is along the path at the side of the green and behind the club house.

Montgomery Tennis Club
Church Bank Montgomery MONTGOMERY Wales North SY15 6PU