Newsletter Jan 2021
Thu, 14 Jan 2021 00:00

Firstly, a happy new year to you. I hope that you are well and managing to get some exercise ready for when we can play again. Like you, I'm very much hoping that this will be soon. For the first few days of the year the snow was the main problem, then sadly, just as the courts were clear, the government told us to close. We look forward to being back on court, and some warmer and lighter days and evenings
Just a few updates for you.
Club Management
The following teams are busy planning for the coming year and beyond:
Tennis - Sarah Humphreys
Marketing - Tim Shercliff
Social - Jane Gay
Facilities - Martin Todd
Operations - Paul Hiom (Chair), Mike Meaton (Secretary), Andy Pollitt (Treasurer)
These teams cover all aspects of running the club from planning to doing. Only the names of the committee members are shown, but many more members are part of the teams too. Shirley Birch is working closely alongside Sarah and likewise Ann Tunwell with Jane. If you have not already, it would be great if you would join one, or maybe two. As the saying goes, many hands make light work.
Team Tennis
The current lockdown has resulted in the cancellation of the Winter League. However, we have entered 5 ladies' teams and 3 men's teams into the summer league. This league will now be managed online using LTA League Planner. Team players will now need to be LTA members so if you are interested in playing for one of the tennis teams, please organise your LTA membership, affiliated to Macclesfield Tennis Club. Many thanks to Shirley Birch for manging our entries.
Please do get in touch with me if you have any ideas or anything you would like to discuss. And of course, if you would like to offer us some of your time it will be gratefully received.
And please do share any pictures of what you're doing to keep fit during the lockdown on our Facebook page or our MaccTennisClub WhatsApp group. Jokes will help to brighten our day as well.
Stay safe everyone.
Paul Hiom