Newsletter March 2021
Thu, 11 Mar 2021 00:00

Back to tennis in just under 3 weeks! New Slazenger balls await you in the rack. The clocks will have gone forward. Hopefully, we’ll get the weather that we had last spring.
Let play commence!
The tennis side of the club will be fully open again from Monday 29th March while observing the LTA and government guidelines.
We especially welcome back our members who have been unable to play at the club for a longer period than others.
Jonny will be back to coaching straight away on the 29th. He has arranged 3 Junior Tennis Camps during Easter. The uptake has been very good with them starting to fill up quickly as soon as he’d published them on Facebook. Details are also shown on our website.
The Summer League should go ahead with our first home fixture being the Ladies’ 4th Team on Sunday 18th April at 10:30. Spectators are not allowed before Step 2 (not before 12th April) but hopefully will be by then.
The start time for team practice on Tuesday (Ladies’) and Thursday (Men’s) has been brought forward to 17:45 to maximise the daylight.
Evening Club Play has reverted back to the original start time 18:30, although members are welcome to start before then.
Use of the clubhouse will need to be restricted initially in accordance with the government guidelines. I will send out another communication just before we open.
We have regrettably had to postpone our planned Junior Roadshow again until 2022. This is a major initiative to drive up our junior membership and on the back of that our adult membership as well. Our Marketing and Tennis teams are planning alternative initiatives for 2021.
All our management teams: Operations, Tennis, Facilities, Marketing, Membership & Social have been active during the lockdown, in particular the Facilities Team led by Martin. He hopes to be in a position early in April to update you with our 2021 plan to upgrade our facilities. Please let one of us know if you feel you could offer some help to one of these teams. Your time would be much appreciated.
One particularly important role I need to fill is the vice-chair, to support me during my term as chair but also to take over from me after I have served my term. If you think that you may be interested in this role please have a chat with me.
See you all at the club.
Paul Hiom