2024 Junior Coaching Programme

Under 10s - Mini Red Ball: Sunday 9-9.45 am
Red ball is a great way for players to start out in tennis. It is played on smaller courts with shorter rackets and softer balls. It's just like the real game and gives players opportunities to have long rallies and play different types of shots.
9-14s Orange Ball: Thursday 5-6pm
Orange ball is a great way for players to continue their progress from red ball. It is played on slightly larger courts than red ball, with bigger rackets and balls. Its the next stage before playing on a full sized court and will help players develop all the different shots, providing fun competition.
11-16s - Green Ball - Monday 5-6pm
Green ball is a great way for players to continue their progress from orange ball mini tennis. It is played on full tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls that are a little softer then yellow balls. Its the next stage to go before starting playing with a full compression yellow ball on a full sized court and it will help players work on and improve all aspects of their game. Similar to orange but ability to logically analyse and probe more deeply into concepts encouraged.
Under 16s - Green Ball - Sunday 10-11am
Full court, light rackets, yellow (full) ball. Play and practice easily with peers. Greater understanding of self reflection, strategy and planning.
Full Tennis (Under 18s):
U18s Boys Squad - Monday 6-7pm
U18s Girls - Thursday 6-7pm
Invitational Squads (player pathway coaching)
Sunday 2-3pm
- Junior membership at Mawdesley Tennis Club (please note if a parent wishes to play with their child, the 'Hit with your Kid' membership must be purchased per parent)
- Access to Southport & District Summer league
- Access to Bolton indoor winter league
- Entry to annual club summer tournament
- Junior tennis coaching is paid for by standing order of £20 per month which includes all of the above (Except Tots which is £12 a month).
Please see the links below for the Junior with Coaching sign up guidance and accompanying letters for Parents joining either a new Tot or child:
Junior with Coaching sign up guidance
Parents letter - all other juniors
For any queries please contact Guy Vernon (Coach) on 07865 817604 or by email: guyvernon05@gmail.com
Junior Tennis Cordinator: Dr Jonathan Tobin 07979 367366 Or email drjonathantob@gmail.com