The tennis courts are located near Milton Community Centre on the corner of Coles Road, Milton, Cambridge. The post code is CB24 6WR
Milton and Waterbeach tennis clubs combine and join in the Cambridge LTA League.
When we have home matches, two courts are blocked out from 6-10.
Match fee of £3.00 is payable on the night.
Participation in club matches is at the discretion of the Team captain and will be based on playing standard and availability.
The third court (when not being used) during match days may be used by club members but permission to do so will be solely at the discretion of the Match Captain. If granted permission to play on the third court, the players must endeavour not to interfere nor disrupt the matches being played. If the Match Captain feels that there are problems then s/he will have the right to ask the players on the third court to stop play and leave and they must do so immediately.
Details of any other forthcoming or rearranged matches will be posted at the courts with advance warning.
After the matches have finished and the courts are free, they are available to be used by members.