League Teams


Mold competes in the North Wales League (Men's 1st, Men's 2nd, Men's 3rd and Ladies team) and the Chester Tennis Leagues (Ladies A, Men, Mixed A and Mixed B).  We also have 3 mixed doubles teams in the North Wales Shield Competition.

Want to be part of a team? Please get in touch with our Ladies Captain Kathryn Rymer: 07835909997.

Here are our 2024 fixtures.

Chester League 2024:

Ladies A - Division 1 

Mixed A - Division 1

Mixed B - Division 3

Mens - Division 2 


North Wales League 2024:  

Men's 1st - Division 1

Mens 2nd - Division 1 

Mens 3rd - Division 3

Ladies 1st - Division 1 


North Wales Shield 2024

To see the draw in this event