
Dates for your diary

Don't miss out

We've got some important events and news coming up this spring and summer.  Read details below and don't forget you can always see what's going on at NPL Tennis by checking out the club calendar.

5th May 

From May, our wonderfully maintained grass courts open for play so don't miss the chance to show off your Wimbledon skills in our fast, fun American tournament and see if you've won tickets in the club draw.

3rd to 20 June

The hard courts are getting relaid with an excellent new surface so they'll be in perfect shape for late summer and autumn.

14 July

Book this date in your diary for the NPL Sports Club open day when each section will be hosting competitions, they'll be a treasure hunt, raffle with prizes and the chance to explore and enjoy the newly refurbished pavilion. Visit the club website for more details nearer the day.