What we offer
Learn, play and get fit choosing from the type of sessions below.
Beginners Tennis - These sessions are aimed at players who can play a bit but need lots of coaching on their strokes to increase their confidence as a player. SUITABLE FOR NOVICES
Intermediate Tennis - These sessions are for players that know their way around a tennis court but want to join some similar level players in improving all aspects of their game. SUITABLE FOR PLAYERS WITH EXPERIENCE
Advanced Tennis - A session aimed at our club player looking to sharpen up their game with similar level players. SUITABLE FOR COMPETENT PLAYERS
Cardio Tennis - This is fitness based session where you will practice lots of drills to really sharpen up your strokes at the same time as getting fit! SUITABLE FOR ALL ABILITIES
Tennis Specific Fitness - Want the physical edge on the tennis court? Want to be faster, more powerful and be able to play for longer without tiring as easily? This is a session that will improve your physical game. Improved physical game = Improved Tennis game! SUITABLE FOR ALL ABILITIES
Tennis Xpress - Tennis Xpress is a beginner adult introductory coaching course for players who want to learn the basics of the sport over six weeks. Tennis Xpress is centred on the use of modified equipment such as slower bouncing green and orange balls to ensure that players quickly learn the game of tennis; being able to serve, rally and score by the end of the course.
Mens Advantage Tennis Training - ADVANTAGE Tennis Training focuses on a number of tactical themes each week, giving your game a real edge. You’ll improve your level with sessions run by professional coaches and training with similar level male players. SUITABLE FOR IMPROVERS AND ADVANCED PLAYERS
Ladies Tennis Tuesdays - Each week's session focuses on a different area of the game and you will improve your ability with a mixture of skills training from professional coaches and match play with other women at your level. SUITABLE FOR PLAYERS WITH EXPERIENCE