Adult Coaching



6 – 7pm Mixed Intermediate - Contact Stuart 07951733848


1 – 2pm Ladies Beginners/Improvers/Rusties - Contact Derek 07939255330 

2 – 3pm Ladies Intermediate/Advanced - Contact Derek


9 -10am Mixed Beginners/Improvers/Rusties for those who are newbies, or haven't played for a while - Contact Derek - RESTARTS THURSDAY 1st May 2025

10 – 11am Men’s Intermediate - Contact Derek

All these sessions are weekly, (weather permitting!) and are all £6 per session, pay as you come.


For further details, please contact Stuart 07951 733848 email:  

or Derek 07939 255330


Technique Sessions

Serve a bit shaky? Backhand could be better? Tune up your technique with these special one-off sessions.

Open to all full adult and student members of all standards. Lots of tips and practices, and loads of balls to hit, these are a great way to finally strengthen that weakness!

Serves and returns                Saturday 26th April.                 Contact Derek

Forehands and backhands     Saturday 12th July.                    Contact Derek

Volleys and net play             TBA              Contact Stuart

Spins and things                   TBA             Contact Derek

Each Saturday session runs from 4 to 5.30, cost £10 per session, payable by cash or BACS on the day.

THE VERY IMPORTANT BIT - PRE BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. This is because there are a limited number of spaces available each week and in the case of bad weather etc. you can be contacted if the session needs to be cancelled. Early booking is definitely recommended.

To book, please text Derek 07939 255330 or Stuart 07951 733848