
Help build a thriving club - just volunteer to do one thing

A consistent theme of the last few AGMS has been the search for members to help do things and spread the load of running the club.  There is a never ending list of tasks that are required to keep the club running. Many of these are currently concentrated in the hands of a few individuals which is not really good for the club and risks burn out of those individuals.

In the past, members have all contributed in ways big and small to help create a  thriving club: taking a turn on the commitee, organising and running a tournamment, baking a cake, organising a weeding party. All are importnat and contribute to a thriving club.

Please look at the list of tasks below and offer to take responsibility for even just one task or role.

If you'd like more infomation on any task or role please speak to Andy or email


Join the commitee

  • Our Club Secretary Alison is stepping down. It is one of the main committee roles. We can’t operate as a Club without a Club Secretary.
  • A number of committee members have left, stepped down or would like to step down including the junior rep role.
  • We already have some commitee members doing multiple roles and we need some new faces to help spread the load of running the club.
  • Join the commitee and help take a leading role in steering the club.
  • There are some role descriptins here

Support the club captain

  • Help plan what tournaments we should run throughout the year so that there is a mix of competitive, social and family and junior tournaments for all ages and abilities
  • Become a tournament organiser.  Help plan a specific tournament such as a Mike Hillman, help promote it, encourage participation and run it on the day.
  • There were five Mike Hillman Tournaments last year – we need someone for each tournament.

Take on or support the Junior rep role

  • Help plan what inclusive tournaments such as  Team Challenge or Family Cups we should run
  • These tournamnets and the Friday family session encourage juniors and adult beginners.
  • Help promote the sessions and tournamnets to encourage participation and run it on the day.

Support a Club Session

  • Club sessions usually need a little bit of admin to help them run smoothly
  • It's often just a case of turning up early to open up and get the balls out and encouraging others to join in
  • During the winter we need to ensure that the floodlights are used correctly
  • Help promote and run a club session.  
  • Take ownership of a session. Turn up regularly, promote it on whatsapp and be a welcoming a face for nervous beginners.

Help with Maintenance 

  • There are many maintenance tasks
  • Fence maintenance: Monitor the fences and repair the lines and hooks when required. Maintain lines of communication with a local fence contractor. Organise an annual visit from the contractor when more substantial fence maintenance is required.
  • Weeds and weeding: Organise working parties of members to remove weeds when required and to prevent their build up. Maintain lines of communication with a local gardener or contractor. Organise an annual visit from the contractor when more substantial weed or grounds maintenance is required
  • Leaf Removal: Help organise the removal of leaves and twigs in the autumn. This is a dull but really important role. Fallen leaves quickly turn to mulch and help promote the growth of moss on the courts – especially court three. It makes them slippery and several members fell this year. It currently costs around £1000 to wash the courts and £10-20,000 to resurface. If we have to wash the courts every year instead of every 2-3 years then the courts will last 5 years between resurfacing not 10. We can only avoid an annual wash if we keep on top of the leaves. So, we need a leaf supremo. Help organise working parties of members during weekly club sessions to ensure the leaves are removed quickly. Ensure that there is a brush available, and members know how to use it.


  • Become a duputy welfare officer. This is a really important role – without a trained welfare officer we cannot successfully register with the LTA. If we are not a registered venue then we lose Clubspark and everything that entails.
  • Help with club communication: monitor the club email account and reply to enquires when possible or forward to another member who can (eg the membership secretary, coaching coordinator or Treasurer) .
  • Help with promoting events: Create flyers or news items for the website. Keep the events and diary pages on the website up-to-date and help promote or report on special events.
  • Take responsibility for the many padlocks and key safes that we have. Change the combination codes on the keysafe and court padlocks when required. Help ensure that we notify everyone who needs to be informed (quite a few people) and ensure that Clubspark is updated with the new court code.

The list is endless...