
IP30 - A Thankyou from Kingfishers Class

The Club have been hosting Kingfishers class from Liss Infants School every Monday since April for the  award winning I Play 30 tennis sessions. This week, as part of their end of tea party,  Kingfishers Class said thankyou to Natasha and all the club volunteers who made it possible. 

I Play 30 is a disability programme developed by the tennis charity Bright Ideas For Tennis (BIFT) and has been specifically designed for participants with learning, sensory and physical disabilities and for those experiencing mental ill health. The sessions at Newman Collard with Liss Infants started in 2021 and was the first expansion of the programme into Hampshire and the South West 

I Play 30 is delivered by a qualified coach, supported by school teachers and club volunteers.  It's the club volunteers the help make the sessions an award winning community project.  I play 30 is one of a number of outreach programs organised by the Club and designed to help more people of all ages and abilities play tennis in Liss. 

For more infomation or help getting started please email