
Enter the 2023 Club Championships - draw deadline 31st May

It is that time of year where a number of legendary Sporting Events are due to take  place, the FA Cup Final, the Ashes Cricket Series, Wimbledon Tennis, even Liss Junior School Sports Day.

But nothing can rival the pageantry and brilliance that accompanies the start of the NCTC Championships. Played across the summer months, culminating with Finals Day on Sunday 17th September 2023, this is an opportunity for every member to be involved. And the excitement continues, as , this year, sees the introduction of a NEW competition within the Championships, the Mixed Veterans Doubles. 

The main categories remain, Ladies & Mens Singles, Ladies & Mens Doubles and Mixed Doubles, with the new Veterans Mixed Doubles for those aged 60 and over ( participants must be aged 60 or over from 1st June 2023). Those that are knocked out in the early rounds of the singles competition , have the opportunity to enter the Plate Competitions for both Ladies & Men. On Finals Day too, it is hoped that a Junior exhibition match will be played, to showcase the amazing talent that exists within the club.

The rules are straight forward. Matches are the best of three sets. However, as another new addition, should matches be level at one set all, the final set will be a tie-breaker, with the player who reaches 10 points first the victor, ensuring that it is by two clear points. Matches should continue past 10 points until a player has a 2 point margin. Entry sheets will be placed on the clubhouse notice board within the next few days, so please do put your name down there, if visiting. If not , please email me directly and I will add your name to the competition(s), of your choice. If you do not have a partner for a doubles competition, just say, and I will do my best to partner you with someone.

As you know, the club is extremely inclusive, please do put your name down, and we may see some new names lifting the silverware come September. I would just ask that you are sure that you are able to make Finals Day, before entering. My aim is to get the competitions started on 1st June , so will set a cut off date for entries of the 31st May 2023 .

The very best of luck to you all, any questions please do ask.

Warmest regards,

Rich - Club Captain: