
Newsletter February 2025

February 2025


Great News!


NCTC has been shortlisted in the LTA Hampshire and Isle of Wight Tennis Club of the Year! This is a huge achievement considering the number of clubs in the area and is in part due to the Liss Village Festival which the Club, led by Andy Grey, organised and delivered last summer. And it goes without saying that NCTC is one of the best tennis clubs you can join!

We will find out in May if we are successful but nevertheless, being shortlisted is an excellent achievement.

Club Sessions

NCTC offers a number of Club Sessions during the week which cater for everyone. Do come along and join in, meet others and play some tennis.

Sundays 1030 - Adult/Older Teenager Session - just turn up. Some Sunday Afternoons - Improvers. Please look out for dates when

these are running.

Tuesdays 1000 - 1200 Please prebook this through Sue Hubber.

Wednesday From 1800 - Club Session - just turn up.

Thursday 1330 - 1530 Please prebook this though Sue Hubber.

Friday 1700 Junior and Families Session starting up again in March - look out for the details that will be out soon.

Friday From 1800 - Club Session for all - just turn up Saturday Morning - Junior Coaching.


Lorum Ipsum Dolor 1

Courts can be booked online at anytime, when the courts are free.

February 2025

Club Tournaments

Milkwood Trophy

We will be holding the Milkwood Tournaments very soon on Sunday mornings. More to follow.

Mike Hillman Tournaments

This tournament was designed by Mike Hillman many years ago and the handicap system used, ensures the team that is winning has to win more points to get the game. Always fun, these will be played during the summer months.

Club Championships

You will be able to sign up for this at the beginning of the summer and we hope there will be a good uptake this year. Matches are played throughout the summer with the finals for all tournaments, singles and double being played in September.


From the Chair

It may still be cold and it is certainly very wet at the moment but the evening are drawing out and the mornings are becoming lighter. Perhaps, like me, you are looking forward to playing in daylight in the evening again - hopefully not too long to wait!

We have a number of teams who play regularly, both Men’ and Ladies teams and we are hoping to reinstate the mixed team that has had a short break. If you are inserted in playing in one of our teams, do get in touch and let us know so that we can include you. Most matches are in the evening or occasionally at the weekend and the emphasis is on winning enjoying the game!


Open Day - 13 April

For any non-members reading this, come and meet us on the 13 April from midday to learn about the club and if you fancy a hit, bring your trainers.

For members, bring a friend! Bonus points if they join the club but do encourage your friends and family to come down on the 13th and meet some of the members.


Summer BBQ - 18 May Date for the diary

1030 Mike Hillman Tournament 1200 - 1400 BBQ
1300 Family Tournament
