Local Tennis League

Eastbourne Singles Tennis League offers local players a great way to play friendly, competitive singles matches.

If you want to get back into tennis, improve your game or just meet new people to play, why not give it a go!

Players are organised into groups of a similar level and players arrange their own matches at a mutually convenient time over 8 weeks. Any court that suits both players can be used, including the great newly refurbished courts in Old Town. 

Every player who completes 3 matches by the half way mark is sent a FREE can of tennis balls and there is a prize for the winner of each group.

Open to men and women (aged 18+) of all standards, everyone is welcome.

What the players say:

“This was a was a great way to meet other players and get back into tennis”

 “As ever, a hugely sporting match with many long games. Look forward to the next encounter”

“This game was a deucey as an orange grove! Very well matched”

“An exhilarating match, well contested and some fierce rallies!”

 Why not try it and see what a difference playing matches makes!


Email: info@localtennisleagues.com
Visit: https://localtennisleagues.com/eastbourne for more details or to join a round.


Good luck & enjoy the matches!