Session Times
Junior Sessions (Term Time)
Please go to the general coaching page for availability and booking. If a course has started then joining part way through may not be possible.
| Blue (Age 4) | Red (5-7) | Orange (6-8) | Green (9-10) | Yellow (11+) |
Monday | | | 4:00pm | 5:00pm(s) 5:30pm | 6:30pm(girl) |
Tuesday | 3:15pm** | 4:00pm(s) | | | |
Wednesday | | 4:00pm | 5:00pm(s) | 5:00pm | 6:00pm 7:00pm(boy) |
Thursday | | 4:00pm(s) | 5:00pm | | |
Friday | | | | 4:30pm | |
Saturday | | 10:00am | 11:00am | 12noon | 1:00pm |
(s)Invitation group
**45 mins