
2023 AGM

The AGM was held in the clubhouse on 15th November 2023. The current  committee was reelected for 2024 with the addition of Dave Bass as tournament secretary and Adam Hughes as digital coordinator. The chairman, Gary Edwards reported on the events and achievments of the 2023 season and congratulated the men's 3rd team on their promotion in shropshire summer doubles league. The treasurer, Kat Oakley, presented the club accounts which are looking very healthy so the subscriptions remain unchanged. The newly developed website is now completed and the committee hope that the members find the information published useful.  

The chairman expressed his thanks to the committee and  all members for their support during the past year and looks forward to another year of tennis in 2024.

The club celebrates its centenary in 2025 so ideas and plans on how to  celebrate this will be on the agenda for next year so any ideas will be very welcome.