September 2022 Tennis Lottery


Court Upgrade Project

Court UPDATE 21_07_17

The club is pleased to be able to report that we have now reached a satisfactory conclusion to the court development project.

All funding is now approved up to around £151,000 and the club has accepted the tender from Doe Sports (North) Ltd. who will carry out the contract. We plan to carry out the contract starting on September 4th with the removal of trees and the main contract a week later. The contract will be “managed” on our behalf by Sport Labs Ltd. as there are many legal and contractual issues that must be properly managed on behalf of the club. We expect the contract to last around 8 weeks.

As previously advised, the first contract will be for 3 tarmacadam courts (with temporary lines) and new floodlighting. We hope to raise further funds during the winter, to enable us to add an artificial clay surface in the spring.

As we have raised slightly more money than the contract cost, we are considering using modern LED lights, subject to approval with the LTA. This will cost about another £13K however we have seen comparative costs against a Halide system and running costs will be considerably less, enabling us to “recover”   the additional capital cost.

This article may be of interest:

A new gate access system is also being considered you can see details of this at:

The above would have considerable benefits to the club.

Finally, we are discussing with our architect improvements to the clubhouse and provision of disability access and toilet. The plan is to prepare idea s and a detailed specification to enable us to apply to charities etc. for separate funding. We will keep the club advised as to specific plans/ideas in due course.

It has taken a year and a half to reach this stage with many documents having to be produced and negotiations with Sport Scotland, Tennis Scotland, Lawn Tennis Association and funding bodies. As well as these organisations, funding will be forthcoming from: BCCF Environmental, Scottish Borders Council Community Fund, Peebles Common Good Fund, LIVE Borders, South West Environmental Action Trust and club funds.

If you have any question please e-mail me Gordon at :



Gordon Russell

PP Peebles LTC Committee