
Davis Cup Style Tournament and Picnic

We will be holding a Davis Cup style tournament on Saturday 1st July 1-4pm and would welcome any member aged 14 and over to get involved.

We would encourage people to sign up asap so that the event organisers can arrange the teams to ensure a balanced and most importantly a fun competition can be enjoyed by all.  The exact format of the games will be decided once entries have been received.

Sign ups will be possible via a sheet in the club house, directly to Debbie and Keith Lovern or via their email address

It is planned that each team will be assigned a country and you will all need to dress up accordingly.  There will of course be a prize for the best dressed individual!

There will be no entry fee but we would welcome a donation for the chosen charity and would like you to bring a dish inspired by your country that can be enjoyed over a glass of wine or beer afterwards.