Data Protection

Data Protection Policy

We take the privacy of your personal information seriously.

Our Data Protection Officer is Denis Jones.

We conduct an annual review of our data protection policies and processes.

Personal Data Held by the Club

We use the secure LTA-approved ClubSpark system as the primary platform on which we hold your personal information which is supplied and maintained by you. (Name, DOB, Address, Email Address, Phone Numbers, Medical Notes). We do not hold any paper records of club members’ details. We also use SPOND and WhatsApp to organise social sessions and team tennis. You are sent an invitation to join these apps and are personally responsible for entering contact information as you feel is appropriate, which is visible to all other members of the relevant group.

Use of Personal Data

We use your personal data to manage the club, primarily for:

  • Membership administration
  • Club communications, including newsletters and surveys
  • Identification of potential team players

We do not share or sell your data to any third party for any purposes, including marketing.

Club Contact Details

Club contact details for the Chairman, Welfare Officer, Team Captains, Coaching Team and Committee Members are available on the website.

Access to Personal Data

The officers of the Club and a small number of Committee members have access to ClubSpark, for the purposes of managing the Club.

The Coaching Team hold their own data.

Your Rights to Your Data

You are welcome to verify what personal data we hold about you, please contact the Data Protection Officer via email at

If you leave the Club, then we will delete your membership records after 1 year or sooner at your request.

Privacy Policies of Third-Party Platforms:

ClubSpark - available as a link at the bottom of each page on this website under the heading “Privacy Policy”
SPOND -           
WhatsApp -

Last Reviewed:17/05/2024 Next Review (unless update beforehand): 16/05/2025