Terms and Conditions

  1. Data Protection: Plumpton Tennis Club will not release your personal information to any unauthorised person.
  2. Our Club requires all members have an LTA Advantage membership. The Club pays affiliation fees to the LTA which allows all members of the Club to join the LTA  for free. If you do not have this already you must join now by visiting https://www.lta.org.uk/member/
  3. The Club will communicate with members by email. Email addresses will not be used other than for Club activities. Please ensure you can receive emails from @plumptontc.org.uk and mail@clubspark.co.uk
  4. Memberships that are renewed by 31st March automatically get a renewal discount if applicable, after that date the full subscription is payable.
  5. Members must abide by the rules of the club which can be viewed or downloaded from our website.
  6. The clubhouse, the green gates and the wooden gate at the station end of track must be secured by the last person leaving the club.