Junior Coaching


All  Outdoor Coaching sessions, cost £5 in cash pay as you go.

Indoor sessions on a Friday are usually 6 week courses and cost £42 payable in advance.


 Tuesdays:   4 pm to 5.30 pm Junior Club at the outdoor courts at Harewood Park - note this is not coaching - players must be able to rally.  (Free to members)  

  Fridays:                 At Heles School Dome  -opentonon-members.

                                   Please email mail@tennis-plympton.co.uk

                                  for more info/to book a place. 

                                    LTA Youth Red. (5-9 years beginners). 5-6 p.m.   

                                  LTA Youth Orange ( 7-9 years) 5-6 pm.

                                  LTA Youth Green (10-11 years) 6-7 pm.

                                  LTA Youth Yellow Beginners/Improvers/advanced - samll groups for each level.. (11- 18 years)  6-7 pm