
East Lothian Council takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and strives to ensure a safe environment for everyone using the venue.

The Local Authority welfare officer is Mark Urwin.

If you have any concerns or have any questions about safeguarding at the venue, please contact them on

Should you have any safeguarding concerns, we would encourage you to log them via the Register a Concern | Tennis Association | Tennis in Britain ( All concerns raised will be dealt with confidentially and sensitively and members or members of the public will not be at detriment for doing so.

You can also contact the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team on 020 8487 7000 or


NSPCC 0808 800 5000

If you think someone is at immediate risk of harm, please contact Police Scotland on 999 without delay.

Local Contacts

East Lothian Council Child Protection Services - If you are concerned about a child at risk of harm or neglect in East Lothian contact social work on 01875 824 309 or, outside the hours of 9am to 5pm contact the Emergency Social Work Service on. 0800 731 6969.


East Lothian Council Adult Services – If you are concerned about a child or adult at risk of harm or neglect in East Lothian contact social work on 01875 824 309 or, outside the hours of 9am to 5pm contact the Emergency Social Work Service on. 0800 731 6969.


Police Scotland (non-emergency) – 101

Child supervision – In line with national NSPCC advice – all children under the age of 13 attending the venue outside of coaching programmes and other organised activities should be supervised by a parent or known adult.

Policies – please see below the relevant LTA / Tennis Scotland / East Lothian Council policies.

Safeguarding Policy

Inclusion Strategy

Anti bullying

Safe recruitment

Staying Safe Online

Photography & Filming Policy

Safe play