We offer a variety of membership packages with the option of spreading the cost across monthly payments. Our membership year runs from 1st April and memberships are offered pro-rata if you join part way through the year. Membership subscriptions are taken online through Go Cardless by clicking on the links below.
When first joining, you will be required to create a "log-in" account. This will enable the system to recognise you as a club member and to allow member functionality and benefits - be sure to use the same account details to log-in every time.
Join British Tennis. British Tennis Membership (BTM) is free of charge and brings further benefits. BTM is essential once players of any age start to compete.
The club membership secretary is Torquil Jack who will handle membership enquiries and the allocation of keycodes etc. – Torquil can be contacted via the club email address prestoncandovertennisclub@gmail.com.
Please help us by paying in good time – late fees apply for membership renewals received after 1st May.
Please see Club Membership Rules below.https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/Library/PrestonCandoverLawnTennisClub?command=Proxy&lang=en&type=Files¤tFolder=%2F&hash=0f903a28edfd628841b3cdcac798cbfd3a014952&fileName=PC%20Tennis%20Welcome%20Jul%2023%20update%5B9195%5D.docx
Junior Players
If you have a family membership and you would like your child (in school year 7 and above or equivalent age) to play unaccompanied by you, please complete the Parental consent form and return it to prestoncandovertennisclub@gmail.com.
Adult 2024-25
01/02/2025- 31/03/2025
Full access single membership for adult aged 18+ not in full time education
Family 2024/25
01/02/2025- 31/03/2025
Full family membership for any number of adults and children in full time education living at the same address
Eligibility: All families
Junior 2024-25
01/02/2025- 31/03/2025
For an individual member under the age of 18 - generally this will be for those below 13 taking part in regular coaching activities or for the over 13 keen to play with other junior members.
Eligibility: Junior members under the age of 18