LTA's Workshop for coaches

Our team enjoyed the Herefordshire & Worcestershire LTA annual workshop at David Lloyd Clubs this morning, where we helped to serve up a hands on day for coaches to learn new tennis techniques as well as how to increase their profile and encourage new membership.

Tennis coaches from around the two counties were invited to join the regional LTA’s County Coach Forum for an action-packed morning providing them with lots of information and ideas to take away. Guests included MarkTennant, Director from I2C (the biggest Coach provider in the UK) who focused on tennis techniques, interactions with Matt Grover, the LTA Participation Support Assistant, followed by a workshop with information and on court interactive sessions for Disability tennis - visually Impaired and wheelchair tennis initiatives and SheRallies - an update on this great initiative and some great ideas to try - straight from training with Judy Murray.

In addition, the coaches learnt about the real benefit of Social Media and PR and how to drive business and membership through their clubs. Ruby Edwards from public relations firm You Do Better PR, delivered two sessions about PR and how success at Pershore Tennis Centre as well as with me, has led us to win awards as the current Club of the year and Coach of the year. Ruby provided an overview of public relations, content and media management as well as social media, with lots of top tips to take away.

The sessions were well attended with over 30 coaches enjoying the workshop along with a summary of the key initiatives and competitions in the County to ensure they’re up to date with the latest techniques as well as an opportunity to meet and network with other coaches from across the county and beyond!

To find out more about the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Lawn Tennis Association, head to: and to learn about how public relations can support your organisation email or go to:

A great workshop - thrilled to be involved and support the Herefordshire & Worcestershire LTA with disability tennis coaching ideas and promoting tennis across the county. Well done to all involved!