
Ramsbury Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. Our Safeguarding Policy strives to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.

Members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any safeguarding concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with:-

Either of our Joint Welfare Officers:

Anna Hollick  07812 111571  annahollick@icloud.com

Clare Fisher 07714 112139 clarefisher@hotmail.co.uk


Alternatively contact the Junior Co-ordinator Geraldine Smith 07802 353675 gsmithRTC@outlook.com


Details of all our safeguarding policies are displayed in the clubhouse.

