2024 Membership Fees

2024 Membership prices

See below for all our membership prices:

Adult membership = £65
Junior Membership up to 12 yrs = £15

Students/Youths 13-17 yrs £30
Family Membership = £100 (2 adults & up to 3, under 18, children)

One off visitor fee's are £2 per hour.

Payment Methods


  • Please make payable to "Rattray Tennis Club" and hand to the club tresurer.


  • Please put in a sealed envelope and hand to the club treasurer.

Bank Transfer

  •                 Sort Code:  80-22-60
  • Account Number:  18122868

Links below to downloadable forms

2024 adult membership form

2024 junior membership details form



Please use the Contact Us page of the website if you have any further questions about memberships.