
Coaching available: 

Ashley Duke Head  Coach - Ashley Duke Tennis 

Wednesday Groups

4-5pm RED BALL MINI’S (under 8’s)

5-6pm ORANGE BALL MINI’S (8-9 years old)

6-7pm GREEN BALL and YELLOW BALL (9 and upwards)

Sunday Groups

9.30am-10.00am - RED BALL MINI’S (under 8’s)

10.30am-11.30am – ORANGE BALL MINI’S (8-9 years old)

11.30am-12.30pm – GREEN & YELLOW BALL (9 & upwards)

10.30am-11.00am – TODDLER TENNIS

Tuesday Evenings 6.30-7.30pm Beginners 

Wednesday evenings

7.00pm-8.00pm - Rusty Rackets/Intermediate

Saturday Mornings 9.00-10.00 Advanced.